Creating Projects

Step 1 – Click on Settings (gear icon) and then click on System settings.

Step 2 – Click on “Add new project.”

Once you’ve created your Project you can start integrating technologies into InsightFinder.  For detailed instructions see the Integrations section.  If you would like to know more about Projects, review the Projects – Deep Dive section.


  • There should not be special characters such as “@” or ”_” in the Project name. 
  • There are three user roles in InsightFinder.

ReadOnlyUser – This access level only permits users to view data for systems shared with the end-user.

NormalUser – This access level permits users editing rights and read access. They can add, delete, and edit new systems and projects, share environments with peers and conduct activities necessary to maintain the systems.

Administrator – The administrator role is designed for management only, users with this role cannot own systems or projects, but can create systems or projects for NormalUser role. Administrator is admin for one account group and one account group can have multiple Administrators, for example company A has 3 administrators, they have access to all the users and their data within company A, they can add or delete normal user, read only user in company A.