- Sensitivity: The higher the sensitivity, the more hot/cold events the project got. (Default: Low)
- Minimum Log Frequency For Hot Event Detection: The lower the number, the more hot events the project got. (Minimum is 1) (Default: 50)
- Hot/Cold event detection dampening period (days)
- Hot event unit score: The base score of the hot event. Determine the importance of the hot event in the system. (Default: 0.1)
- Cold event unit score: The base score of the cold event. Determine the importance of the cold event in the system. (Default: 0.075)
- Hot event number limit: The maximum hot events grabbed for doing the Causal Analysis and Global View (Ranked by the anomaly event score). The higher the number, the more time needed for these processing (Default: 20)
- Cold event number limit: The maximum cold events grabbed for doing the Causal Analysis and Global View (Ranked by the anomaly event score). The higher the number, the more time needed for these processing (Default: 0)
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