New Relic Integration

InsightFinder can pull metric, log and apm data from New Relic. Documentation below is a walk through of how to configure New Relic in InsightFinder.

Project Configuration

Information needed: New Relic API Key – You can to go your account in New Relic Select “API Keys” on the left menu and create a “New Key” (See Figure 1)

Project Creation

  1. Go to “Settings”->“System Settings”. Click on “Add New Project”.
  2. Select “New Relic” from the list and click on “Create Project” on the next page.
  3. Provide “API Key” from the New Relic account and click “Verify”.
    (See Figure 2)
  4. On the next page,
    1. For metrics select the instances and metrics you want to source
      (See Figure 3 and 4)
    2. For logs, you need to select the account, timestamp and instance field
      (See Figure 5)
  5. Then on the next page, you can type in the “Project Name” and “System Name” and click on Register.
    For metrics; (See Figure 6)
    For logs, apart from setting the project and system name, you can also specify,
    1. Detection keywords/regular expressions are used to detect which log entries will produce allowlist alerts.
    2. Incident labels/regex are used to identify which log entries indicate incidents.
      (See Figure 7)
  6. Once a project is successfully created, you will see a message like below.
    (See Figure 8)
  7. You can go to
    1. “Metric Analysis” page and check the data coming in there in the line chart
      (See Figure 9)
    2. “Log Analysis” page and check the log data
      (See Figure 10)
  8. You are all set to receive data from New Relic integration with InsightFinder and start to use InsightFinder AI engine for Incident Investigation and Prediction.


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