InsightFinder can source the data from Dynatrace and correlate it with other data to generate anomalies and root causes. Below documentation is a walk through of how to configure Dynatrace and InsightFinder integration.

Project Configuration

In order to proceed further we would require the Env ID and API token created in dynatrace, please see below steps:

  1. Create a Dynatrace Account
  2. Create Env
    (See Figure 1)
  3. Go to Apps
    (See Figure 2)
  4. Create Access Token, choose scopes as below
    (See Figure 3)
  5. Copy envId and token, will use them in InsightFinder
  6. Sending Data to Dynatrace
    (See Figure 4)

Project Creation

  1. Go to “Settings”->“System Settings”. Click on “Add New Project”.
  2. Select “Dynatrace” from the list and click on “Create Project” on the next page.
  3. This is where you will start configuring the project.
    • Paste the environment ID , API-token from your dynatrace Acc and Data-type as Metric.
    • Select the metrics you want to monitor and the KPI metrics.
    • Finally give the name of the Insightfinder project and system name.
  4. For metric type:
    (See Figure 5)
    1. Select the metrics
      (See Figure 6)
    2. Select the KPI metrics
      (See Figure 7)
    3. Project creation
      (See Figure 8)
  5. For event type:
    (See Figure 9 and 10)


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