Jira Integration

InsightFinder has integrated Jira for IT teams to push tickets into their Jira project from InsightFinder incidents or anomalies. This documentation is a walk through of how to configure Jira in InsightFinder.


  1. You need to have a Jira site for your team or company.


1. Go to Setting -> External service settings -> Jira


2. Click Add New, after you input all the necessary information, you can click verify to check the information.

a. Host: the URL of your Jira site, for example: https://insightfinders.atlassian.net/
b. Account: the Jira account you are connecting, normally you email address
c. API Token: generated from your Jira account, used to authenticate with Jira

i. Log in to https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens
ii. Click “Create API token” button.
iii. From the dialog that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token such as “InsightFinder integration” and click Create.
iv. Click “Copy” button and then you can paste it in the setting above


3. Now you can go to any incident, and Report to Jira