Google BigQuery Integration

InsightFinder can source the data from Google BigQuery and correlate it with other data to generate anomalies and root causes. Below documentation is a walk through of how to configure Google BigQuery integration.

Project Configuration

Information needed: GCP JSON key for authentication. (Guide on how to get the JSON key

Project Creation

  1. Go to “Settings”->“System Settings”. Click on “Add New Project”.
  2. Select “Google BigQuery” from the list and click on “Create Project” on the next page.
  3. This is where you will start configuring the project.
    1. Project Id, Private key Id, Private key, Client email, Client id – Use your GCP authentication key information here. Please Note – Private Key starts with 5 ‘-’ and ends with ‘\n’.
    2. Another way is for users to directly upload JSON key file.
      (See Figure 1)
  4. Choose the data type (metric/log) you want to load and click on verify to continue.
  5. If the verification is successful, input the query needed to execute. The query MUST have the time_stamp and instance_name field. (See Figure 2)
    1. Sample query: select first_served_timestamp AS time_stamp, ad_type AS instance_name, spend_range_max_usd AS moneyMax from `bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads.creative_stats`
    2. To learn more about Google bigquery (


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