ServiceNow Integration

InsightFinder can pull incident data from ServiceNow and push predicted incidents to ServiceNow. Below documentation is a walk through of how to configure ServiceNow in InsightFinder.

ServiceNow Logo

Project Creation

  1. Go to “Settings”->“System Settings”. Click on “Add New Project”.
  2. Select “ServiceNow” from the “Incident Management” and click on “Create Project” on the next page.
  3. This is where you will start configuring the project.
    1. ServiceNow server host, Username, Password, proxy (if the ServiceNow server required)
    2. Select the table you want to fetch the data from
      1. Incident
      2. Change_request
      3. Workflow
        (See Figure 1)
  4. Click verify, it will verify the credentials to see if the service now server can be connected
    (See Figure 2)
  5. Project setting:
    1. InsightFinder Analysis Timestamp in ServiceNow
      1. It is the timestamp field for the data, usually used the sys_created_on
    2. Special timestamp format(optional)
      1. ServiceNow has default timestamp format, but if the user set the timestamp format by themself, then this field need to be completed
    3. InsightFinder Analysis Instance in ServiceNow
      1. This field is used to group the data in InsightFinder.
      2. For example, if the user want to group and analyze the data by assignment_group, then just select the assignment_group
      3. Data from the same group will use the same model to analyze
    4. Regular expression for instance name extraction(optional)
      1. Used to extract specific value from the InsightFinder Analysis Instance in ServiceNow.
      2. For example, if the extract value is Instance: dev from InsightFinder Analysis Instance in ServiceNow. And the user only wants the dev as the instance name. Then set the Instance: (.*) in the box. It will grab the value in the (.*) as instance
    5. InsightFInder Analysis Additional Fields in ServiceNow(optional)
      1. InsightFinder has default fields when retrieving the data from ServiceNow, if the user has other fields need to be retrieved and analyzed, check the checkbox
    6. Timezone in ServiceNow
      1. Timezone of the user setting in ServiceNow, as shown in Figure-I
    7. Filter Query(optional)
      1. InsightFinder retrieves the recent by timestamp, if the user has additional conditions when fetching the data, need to fill this box.
      2. For example:
        1. If the user only want to choose Assignment group is ATF Service Level Management Group and Active is True
        2. Edit the query in the table search
          (Figure 3)
        3. Copy the query
          (Figure 4)
        4. Paste in the setting box
    8. Historical Data Range(optional)
      1. If the user want to retrieve historical data in the past, select the time range
    9. Enable holistic model(optional)
      1. Check this box only if all the data should be analyzed by the same model from different instances
    10. Enable initial processing pause
      1. Check this box only if need to edit some project setting after project creation
  6. Then on the next page, you can type in the “Project Name” and “System Name” and click on Register. Once the project is successfully created, you will see data flow in.
    (Figure 5 and 6)

ServiceNow Incident push (Send predictions to ServiceNow)

  1. Go to “Settings”->“External Service Settings”. Click on “ServiceNow”.
    (See Figure 7)
  2. Pop up will open up where you click on “Add New”, put in the necessary fields and verify.
    (See Figure 8)
  3. Edit the table mapping. Select the table for specific project to push. Then all predicted incident and detected incident will be pushed into the Incident tables.
    (See Figure 9)
  4. Or the user can manually push the incident
    (See Figure 10, 11, and 12)
  5. Then the ticket can be seen in the ServiceNow → Incident table


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